Tutoring for Every Age - Start young minds on the path to literacy and learning early.
Young children are full of questions, wondering how, why, when, and where. Preschool tutors help young children find the answers for themselves by developing reading skills from an early age in a creative and fun learning environment.
Our Programs
At Scholar’s Edge, we offer a vast array of programs in all subjects according to age. They include programs for Elementary, High School, and University and College students. We also offer Summer programs and EQAO and Literacy Test preparation.

Why Choose Scholar's Edge
We are highly trained to teach thinking and learning strategies to help your child make sense of math.
Summer Programs
Let the learning not stop just because it’s summer. Students who participate in learning over the summer have a real academic advantage at the beginning of the school year. Research shows that at the start of September, students who attend summer learning programs are significantly advanced in various subjects.
University / College
What sets us apart from our competitors is that at Scholar’s Edge we provide special arrangements for University and College students. Our highly knowledgeable tutors assist post-secondary students in their work, while preparing them for tests and exams in advanced subjects like Calculus, Physics, Buisness, etc.
High School
At Scholar’s Edge, we understand the importance of academic success high school in order to get accepted into College or University. As a result, we offer special programs for high school students to help them in assignments and with preparations for quizzes, tests and exams.
Build a Strong Reading Foundation
Preschool tutoring can help jumpstart your child’s learning success. Children at the preschool age are most receptive to learning new things, and it is important to get an early start on your child’s reading and listening skills. Almost everything young children do in the preschool years supports their emerging learning and reading skills. Reading aloud, talking, writing, interacting with other children, crafts — all these and more build the learning skills that prepare children to enter school.

Build a Strong Reading Foundation
Preschool tutoring can help jumpstart your child’s learning success. Children at the preschool age are most receptive to learning new things, and it is important to get an early start on your child’s reading and listening skills. Almost everything young children do in the preschool years supports their emerging learning and reading skills. Reading aloud, talking, writing, interacting with other children, crafts — all these and more build the learning skills that prepare children to enter school.